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Breaking New Trail

Writer: Colleen SidunColleen Sidun

Be patient with yourself. Allow yourself the time that it takes to make a change in your life. When we make a change we are learning Something NEW. ( you don't know how to do it yet!) It takes practice and by doing it over and over again we slowly integrate it into our lives. You are not only learning something new, you are also letting go of an old way ~ your automatic way! It takes time to override the old ways. We tend to live with an instant gratification mentality that unfortunately leaves us feeling powerless and incapable. Take your time with change, study what you are doing and look for efficient ways to master it ~ allow yourself time to "learn" it! When we put expectations on change we block or ignore the process. When you are looking to change something, you do not know what to expect yet because it is unfamiliar territory. Don't put a time limit on it. Each change consists of many different ingredients, perceptions and realizations (all new) that lead to it's knowledge. Don't give up, look at it, learn from it and practice it again and repeat this until you get it!

"What you practice becomes"

"When we make a change in our lives,

we are breaking new trail.

We need to return to the beginning

often.... and begin again."

~ Colleen



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