We lose ourselves always looking out into the world to define ourselves. Are we pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough, successful enough? Most of the time we are left judging ourselves and feeling powerless. I remember being so afraid to look at myself. I thought I was a disappointment, I had invested myself in so many people and things in the world and always found myself overwhelmed and depressed. I gave every last piece of me away~ Thinking it would fulfill me. So I started slowly asking myself questions and answering them honestly ( hard at first) ~ questions like how do I feel? why? ~ initially ~ I was afraid to admit how I was feeling ~ I always felt like someone was gonna find out ~ I found myself looking over my shoulder as I wrote in my journal. It felt forbidden ~ like I was breaking a rule. But, I continued to ask myself questions and I began to realize that the more I looked at myself ~ the better i felt, ~ I felt in control of how I was feeling. I recognized that a lot of the things I was doing were hurting me ~ leaving me depleted and sad. I also began to recognize the things I was saying to myself ~ how I judged myself constantly, and I decided to talk back and change it by saying ~" no, you know what, you are gonna do it your way, and you are gonna be patient with yourself and you will finish when you finish." ~ as I gave myself some space to grow, to get to know myself, to see who I was ~ I felt my power rise! I was aware of what I was doing, what I was telling myself and how it was making me feel. I felt happier, confident and able. It's kinda like taking the blindfold off after years of walking into walls. It is so empowering to feel in charge of your own life. You make choices that are good for you and the happiness and peace meter in you rises and your energy shines. Each one of us has a light inside of us that needs to shine. the thing is - only you can do it ~ no one else can do it for you! Each one of us is given a divine light ~ look at yourself, ask the questions and find your brilliance ~ it will be the best thing you have ever done! Everything you need is INSIDE!
~ Colleen The Voice Of Gabriel Free
Original publication https://www.facebook.com/LivingOnTheInside/