K ~ so here's the thing ~ there is so much negative energy swirling around right now that if we are not careful we can be sucked right into it! The past couple days for me has been a bit rough ~ feeling low, agitated, teary...... lesson * - too much news, too much negative talk, too much filling my mind with things that are out of my control. I have learned this lesson before many times and I am thankful for the awareness inside me that calls me back to myself. Through my journey with Living on the inside, I have learned that I have my own magic recipe for keeping myself aware ~ writing, exercising and meditating. When I do these things I don't lose myself to the energy of the outside world. What I am actually doing is creating a space for me to be, Within that space I hear what I'm thinking, how I'm feeling, I can figure things out I can feel my own energy.~ and create with my imagination. This allows me to take up some space in my life and helps to balance the blow of the outside world energy ~ that is out of my control ~ . I kinda have a rule that says if my mind doesn't hold at least 51% of it's thoughts for me ~ I am lost. When you are struggling with negative energy start by reminding yourself that while we live in this world....there is a whole other world inside us ~ and the magical part is that you get to control all of it!! I am back and moving forward with my gift of Love and Hope from the Universe ~ I hope it rubs off on you!
