You know I have always tried to "follow the light" while taking pictures and it always seems to brings me to inspiration ~ whether it is the amazing details of a beautiful flower or finding a new plant that I have never seen before. I have always found that when I "follow the light" ~ Nature is bringing me on a bit of a journey and speaking to me along the way ~ sharing new perspectives~ and always inspiring me to see things in a more positive way. The healing power of Nature works this way if you allow yourself the time and space to settle in to "just be" and listen to what it has to say. This is one way Nature heals us! I have been given a new perspective ~ Our "ENERGY" (how we feel) can also be "heavy"(sad, angry, tired, afraid...) or "light" (happy, content, easy, loveable....) ~ we also have a choice everyday when we wake up to carry "heavy" energy for the day or "light" energy for the day! It takes practice but it is about recognizing how you are feeling and if it's heavy saying ~ NO ~ I'm changing that! It is literally pushing away all the thoughts and actions that support the heavy energy and replacing them with more positive, thoughts, doing it the way you want to do it to support how you want to FEEL! Our choice is ~ do we want to FEEL "Dark" or "light" for the day?! Every day is different and some days are more challenging than others but I would have to say that for the most part I am always trying to "Follow the Light"!!!! I choose the "LIGHT" ~ Colleen
The Voice Of Gabriel Free