Start paying attention to how you feel ~ your mind can create all kinds of scripts for you and each one has an emotion attached to it. I thought for the longest time that I didn't have a choice ~ anxiety and depression pushed and pulled me on an endless merry- go- round. That was before I knew that I have a choice. Listen to what you are saying to yourself and ask yourself how you are feeling. This awareness is the first step finding peace. These thoughts and feeling have been carved out so often that they have dug out deep grooves that carry them quickly and repetitively down the same channel ~ like being pulled down a drain~ the path is worn from travel ~ this fact in itself is reflective of the power of the repetition. So, if you were to interrupt this thought and emotion and create a different thought and emotion in it's place, and do it over and over again, that thought and emotion would then become the default. Whether you know it or not ~ this is where your power lies. You have the power to create a peaceful life by being aware of what you are thinking and saying and feeling and changing it to reflect Peace. You don't have to do it all at once ~ try it once a day and this small practice of peace will become your favorite part of the day. ~ and before you know it ~ the wind shows up to carry you and it spreads throughout your life like wildfire. Once you choose peace you will experience the powerful difference and you will find out that you do have a choice, we all do! We have just never been taught this truth. Words have power! This is the Divinity that lives in us. We are all pieces of God, Source, etc. ( however it resonates) ~ we are all trying to find our way home. Create Peace - Think Peace ~ Feel Peace ~ and you will Live in peace!
#words have power #nature is peace " I Choose Peace " Colleen ~ The voice of Gabriel Free Thehealingstone.net