Out for a walk around my yard today with my camera to try and capture the beautiful colors' that are starting to emerge as Fall sets in. I am drawn to this leaf for its color and heart shape ~ as I get closer I am amazed to see this red dragonfly resting on it. The color of the leaf and the color of the dragonfly are so much the same tone of red that it seems that they belong to each other. I continue to observe and I am drawn in further to the energy of this leaf and dragonfly and I begin to hear a story ~ an understanding seeps into me ~ kinda like Nature is whispering in my ear. This season is all about change ~ can you imagine if nature never changed? Can you imagine if that apple tree that you planted never changed from the moment you planted it? All of the hopes and dreams of it spreading it's branches and filling them with juicy apples would never come to be. If this were the case would you even plant a tree or anything for that matter? The veins in this leaf lead me to recognize the resemblance between Nature and myself and I began to apply the changing of nature to myself. The more I seeped into this the more I began to realize that I too belong to nature ~ just like the dragonfly. I recognized that change for me ~ growth~ is inspirational! To stay the same every day would be mundane ~ it would lack - well... Life! The very essence of life is growth and growth does not exist without change. The issue is we are not raised to change, or stand out or be different. We are raised with fear, to stay in line, do things in acceptable ways, don't rock the boat etc.. All of these things leave us capped and unhappy never really free to reach our endless potential. We are no different than Nature ~ to separate ourselves goes against the very wonders that surround us. A flower will bend itself around every rock and tree to bask in the sun. Our obstacles are just waiting for solutions ~ we just need to think past what we already know ~ figure it out! That is growth. That is how a seed becomes a tree and that tree grows flowers and then apples. We are surrounded by the very example of who we are but we refuse to see the truth ~ if we were to settle into the flow of nature we would just grow and find the peace that we are all looking for. The satisfaction and excitement of reaching new heights and flowing with the natural cycle of Nature is what we are all looking for. So how do we do that? One day at a time, always looking for solutions, and knowing that they exist ~ believing that anything is possible, taking one step at a time, living in the moment ~ not thinking too far ahead or looking too far behind. Falling into sync with the peace that surrounds us ~ following the example of a world that has continued to grow and expand for billions of years! It is the neon sign blinking nonstop trying to get your attention ~ saying ~ "This Is The Way" .... ~ my best advice ~ go plant yourself in a forest ~ listen, watch, learn, grow, study it and allow the possibilities of who we are to become a part of you. Spend time learning from the best ~ and you will flow and bloom! ~ oh and another perk ~ perhaps a dragonfly will tell you just how wonderful it is to fly!
"If we don't change, we don't grow and if we don't grow, we never learn to fly!"
~ Colleen
The Voice Of Gabriel Free
Living On The Inside
