"I see it now.
It had nothing to do with them.
My perception was distorted by all the layers
of life left unhealed inside me."
This awareness is powerful and freeing for me. You know when I started this page just over 8 years ago I recognized that I knew everyone else better than I knew myself. I needed to find out who I was, who I was bringing to the world, who I was bringing to my relationships who was doing the doing. I have been studying myself.... what I think, what I say, how I feel, what I do, why and what inspires all of it. I have looked at each one of my experiences in this life as a guide to bringing me to a deeper understanding of myself. In 8 years I have seen myself rise to the highest mountain top at my best and I have seen myself sink to my lowest more than once through the trials and tribulations of my journey. I have watched myself and at times lost myself. It is in those times that I was pulled emotionally away from myself.... filling myself with everyone else, wanting so desperately to find the answers. I have learned that you can't find the answers in anyone else. In fact you might even go mad trying. I have learned that the only power I have is in knowing who I am, where I am, what I am learning and making choices that are purposeful and reflective of my own journey. Life brings us continuous lessons to learn and I know that if I carry experiences that lack understanding for me, they sit on my heart as layers of sadness, anger fear.... etc, and every word I speak, everything I think, everything I do, the way I move, what I choose, how I feel , what I hear, carries the burden of my unhealed experiences. They change my perceptions. When I take the time to observe myself I learn and grow, I understand, I feel peaceful, I feel loving, I am thankful and everything I look at or do is filled with this amazing energy and when I feel it, I also feel the purpose in my life. It is a connection to the Divine strand that each one of us possess. When we are connected to this Energy/ God/ Source ~ whatever it means to you -we are Love ~ and as daunting as it may seem, through the highs and the lows of life, as we learn and grow it is a faith that will help you stand up over and over again because it is that powerful!
Socrates: “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”
~ Colleen Sidun