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One Token, Two Jars

Writer: Colleen SidunColleen Sidun

There are two jars in front of you. You have been given 1 token to put in the jar of your choice. The first jar is labelled "FEAR" the second jar is labelled "PEACE" ~ ok, if it was that easy, I'm pretty sure we would all choose the "PEACE" jar ~ but the reality is that it is "our choice". The energy of the world right now is inundated with fear ~ there is so much information out there that it is impossible to know what is true and what is not. The good news is that each of us as individuals have our own truth if we can step away from the chaos long enough to hear it. When we do we can figure out whether we are putting our token in the fear jar or the peace jar. Ask yourself a few questions to figure out which one it is.... What am I doing? How am I feeling? What is my mind focused on? Am I responding or reacting? Am I rushing or taking my time? Am I contributing to the fear or am I bringing peace to the world? Your energy is in the tone of your voice and the words that you choose, it's in your walk, it's an attitude that you take everywhere you go and that "energy" is what you give to everyone you meet and lets not forget about you..... that energy lives inside you, it chooses if you are happy or sad, angry or giddy, anxious or calm ~ it is reflected in your body as pleasure or pain. Observe yourself, the awareness that you discover will help you "choose" Peace. Speak gently, listen, choose soft words, refuse to fight, inspire, laugh, find your truth, choose your energy ~ you are the only thing in this world that you do have control of ~ become aware of your energy and choose "PEACE" .

~ Colleen



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