We are no different than a flower or a leaf, a drop of water in the ocean, a pebble on the shore ~ ok how about a grain of sand... The thing is no matter what you are, there is not another like you! The best example I can use to demonstrate this, are stones. I dare you to find 2 stones that are identical ~ you will be looking for quite a while ~ trust me. The thing is, every stone has it's own distinctive qualities. Where it came from, what it is made of, the experiences that have formed it ~ making it smooth or rough, solid or crumbly, bright or dull. Each one of us have our own distinctive qualities as well ~ however most of the time we are not paying attention to them. Our eyes tend to move out into the world observing everything outside of our selves ~ sometimes we know more about our neighbor's than we do about ourselves. We might also find ourselves walking into the same walls over and over again ~ Are you sitting in the back seat of the car frustrated that you are not moving? Looking out at all of the things that are not us, creates fear and uncertainty The key word here is observation ~ observing "ourselves' gives us the awareness to know exactly who we are inside and out. How we feel, what we see, our very own perception How does this all relate to the flow of the Universe ? ~ When you are aware of who you are and what you feel ~ there is a better chance that you will make choices in your life that resonate with your true desires ~this will lead you to your truth , this truth will create balance ~ PEACE ~ and you will surrender to the flow of the Universe. ~no resistance ~ We are all energy and creating balance in our energy is how we connect to the magic of the divine Universe. We are all a part of it ~ we are all a part of each other ~ we are one! Know yourself and be in harmony with the Universe! You are the key to Peace!
~ Colleen