A flower isn't a seed and a bloom at the same time. It learns and expands slowly but surely over a period of time. All the details are pulled together one by one to slowly form the finished product and bloom. What comes to mind for me as an analogy is an orchestra. Each member joins and practices their part on their own and all together over and over again until they learn it. Each member brings a unique perception to the whole. The amount of energy and thought and understanding and belief that contributes to the final inspiration of that orchestra is a the very least incredible. I feel like each one of us is our own orchestra ~ our members are perhaps each one of our senses ~ that can be developed and honed into crystal clear focus, it is our mind that can work with patience to imagine, carve , and color our own creations and it is our beliefs that lay out the road of hope before us. We are no different than a flower or a tree or a blade of grass ~ however we are afraid to grow. One of our biggest obstacles is judgment ~ fear ~ of what others will say when they find out we don't know it off by heart. This fear keeps us frozen, hiding thirsty for growth and inspiration. The thing is each one of us has a unique journey and bloom and it is up to each of us to work with the Divine seed inside us. The journey of gathering the pieces and the truths that belong to you bring inspiration after inspiration. It is about living in the moment ~ feeling, learning, touching, seeing, tasting, hearing ~ the truth of now. A now that is not bogged down by the past or afraid of the future. It about the pure spirit of who you are in this very moment ~ without any attachment. And when you do this you "light up" on the map of the Universe ~ the more individuals that do this the more the Universe grows and blooms with light and love Each one of us is a lightbulb in the Universe ~ we are all capable of this beautiful light ~ we serve each other and the whole by doing our part to bring our light to the world. We are all a working part of the body of the Universe. We all have an individual purpose to fulfill ~ and when we all do this together we will create the most magical piece of music ~ so profound and divine and healing it will bring us all to our knees in awe and reverence of who we are. We are one. Just like a body has trillions of cells in it you are a cell of the Universe with a purpose. Find your truth!
~ Colleen The Voice of Gabriel Free