A cut heals because we assume it will heal. It is a deep seated belief that is not questioned. We are conditioned to believe certain things. You are capable of healing what you believe you can heal ~ start believing -at least that it is possible and you're on your way. Use your imagination, Visualize and enter into your body using White Divine Light. Let the light embrace the illness- feel the emotional relief- let the feeling of Love consume you. Create an exit for the illness and let the light push it out! Visualize your body filled with white light. It is very important to mimic the feeling of relief while releasing your illness. You are giving your body the attention that it has needed. You are releasing emotions that have been trapped and unexpressed. You are Loving yourself. You are Healing! Repeat this process (conditioning) as often as you can and you will find your Power- The power of Self Healing.
~ Colleen